Don Harbison's work explores landscapes, plants, and raw biographical emotions where he seeks to illustrate ambiguity, inner and outer spaces and inexplicably magical moments.
He began exploring black and white photography with a ‘kitchen darkroom’, then building and working in darkrooms throughout his college and graduate studies. Don studied under Nathan Lyons at the Visual Studies Workshop and George Eastman House, and went on to earn an MFA from Rochester Institute of Technology in photography, computer graphics and design.
Don built a successful career in the computer industry. He managed a computer graphics illustration and animation studio, consulted with Kodak on the early stages of the PhotoCD product and managed software products for collaboration and document management. He was also a Contributing Editor to the Computer Artist publication where he covered the nascent digital photography revolution when it emerged in the early 1990s. With the work world behind him Don has returned to his roots rekindling his passion for fine arts photography.
Don has exhibited at the Griffin Museum of Photography, Provincetown Art Association and Museum, PhotoPlace Gallery, Whistler House Museum of Art, the Chelmsford Center for the Arts, and the Chelmsford Art Society.